
American Association of Non-Lawyers

The purpose of the American Association of Non-Lawyers is to help all the Americans who suffer from corruption and deprivation of our Constitutional rights… those who can’t afford lawyers or who choose to go without a lawyer.

The association will “compete” with the American Bar Association, the association for lawyers.  The BAR Association charges $75 to $450 annually, and you have to be a lawyer.  We charge a one-time fee of a penny, and you cannot be a lawyer.

Various terms are used by folks without lawyers, including Pro-Se, in propria persona, self-represented litigant (SRL), and Sui Juris.  You may identify yourself in any manner you choose, but listing your American Association of Non-Lawyers membership number might be used.. or just put your name.

The American Bar Association has Model Rules of Professional Conduct.  In the Preamble, the ABA uses the term “Lawyer.”  The word “attorney” does not appear.  The term “pro-se” does not appear.  But the word “lawyer” appears 74 times.  So, guess what?  Our association will only use the term “lawyer.”

One of the first things we will be publishing is our own Rules of Pro-Se Conduct.  We will basically just using the ABA’s.  The Rules are very good.  The problem is in Lawless America, the rules are not used or enforced.

The Sixth Amendment provides the Constitutional right to self-representation.  That right should be enjoyed without fear of harassment or judicial prejudice.  Furthermore, no law, regulation, or policy should exist to abridge or surreptitiously extinguish that right.  Theoretically, litigants wwithout a Lawyer have no less of a right to effective due process as those who utilize a lawyer.  Theoretically.  In practice, we have no rights.

In Faretta v. California, the Supreme Court of the United States stated: “In the federal courts, the right of self-representation has been protected by statute since the beginnings of our Nation. Section 35 of the Judiciary Act of 1789, 1 Stat. 73, 92, enacted by the First Congress and signed by President Washington one day before the Sixth Amendment was proposed, provided that ‘in all the courts of the United States, the parties may plead and manage their own causes personally or by the assistance of counsel.’”

So, our rights to represent ourselves were established by Congress in 1789.

When did Congress give the American Bar Association rights?


The ABA was founded on August 21, 1878 (89 years after self-representation rights were established by Congress).  It was founded by 75 lawyers from 20 states and the District of Columbia.

According to the ABA website: The American Bar Association (ABA) is a voluntary bar association of lawyers and law students; it is not specific to any jurisdiction in the United States.  The ABA’s stated activities are the setting of academic standards for law schools, and the formulation of model ethical codes related to the legal profession.

Our association is being founded by non-lawyers from all 50 states and DC.

There are more than 1.3 million lawyers in the United States.

As of fiscal year 2017, the ABA had 194,000 dues-paying members, constituting approximately 14.4% of American lawyers.  In 1979, half of all lawyers in the U.S. were members of the ABA.  One of our goals is to have 194,001 members.

It took 140 years, but in 1918, women were finally admitted to the American Bar Association.  We welcome women from Day 1.

It took 165 years for the ABA to accept African-American members.  We welcome all races and colors from Day 1.

The United States Department of Education recognizes the Council of the ABA Section on Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar as a professional accrediting agency for law schools in the U.S.  American law schools that are accredited by the council are termed “approved” by the ABA.  That’s it for their authority.

According to the National Center for State Courts in the United States and Wikipedia, and many other sources, 63% of the parties in state and federal courts today do not have lawyers.

From the U.S. Census Bureau, usa.gov, uscourts.gov and courtstatistics.org, we have learned that:

The population of the United States is: 326,700,000.

83,000,000 lawsuits/cases were filed in state courts in 2019.

1,221,000 lawsuits/cases were filed in federal courts in 2021.

That’s a total of 84,221,000 cases filed annually.

This means 53,059,230 are cases filed each year by non-lawyers.

But 44.4% are traffic cases.  So, in civil and criminal cases (excluding traffic), let’s adjust for that.

83,000,000 cases were filed in state courts in 2019.  55.6% are civil and criminal cases of interest to us, or 46,148,000.

1,221,000 cases were filed in federal courts in 2021.

That gives us a total of 47,369,000 civil and criminal cases of interest to us filed annually.

In 63% of those cases, at least one party does not have a lawyer.  – 29,842,470 cases with a party that is a non-lawyer.  17,526,350 cases where both parties have lawyers.

The Non-Lawyer parties are in the majority, but we rarely win.

Bill Windsor spent 16 years compiling a book of the Top Secret Rules used by judges to inflict corruption.  It’s titled Benchbook for U.S. Judges – Corruption Edition, and it’s for sale on Amazon.  $9.99.  Every Non-Lawyer party needs to read this book.

We need you to join the American Association of Non-Lawyers.  There is a simple Form to fill out with contact information.  It costs a penny for a lifetime membership.  Bill Windsor will pay your penny.

63% of the parties in state and federal courts today do not have Lawyers.  Those without lawyers almost always lose.  This Association will help you for free, and we will strive to help the 63% obtain legal rights and regain our Constitutional rights.  See AANL.net for more information.  Please join if for no other reason than to help those whose lives are destroyed by corrupt judges and lawyers.

If you don’t trust the Internet, mail it in — MEMBERSHIP FORM – PDF