American Association of Non-Lawyers – Why You Should Join

American Association of Non-Lawyers

The legal and Constitutional rights awarded to us by our forefathers have been stolen by dishonest attorneys and corrupt judges.  This Association can fix it.

63% of the parties in state and federal courts today are not represented by Lawyers.  They argue on one’s own behalf in a legal proceeding rather than have representation from a lawyer.

There are almost 30 million lawsuits filed annually in which at least one of the parties is not a lawyer, but until now, there has been no association to help protect the Non-Lawyers.

Those without lawyers almost always lose.  30 million losers.

The American Association of Non-Lawyers will help you for free, and we will strive to help the 63% obtain legal rights and regain our Constitutional rights.  See for more information.

Please join if for no other reason than to help those whose lives are destroyed by corrupt judges and lawyers.  MEMBERSHIP FORM – PDFMEMBERSHIP FORM – ONLINE.

We need approximately 156,001 members to force change.

Cowboy BIll Windsor

William M. Windsor

I, William M. Windsor, am not a lawyer.  This website expresses my OPINIONS.   The comments of visitors or guest authors to the website are their opinions and do not therefore reflect my opinions.  Anyone mentioned by name in any article is welcome to file a response.   This website does not provide legal advice.  I do not give legal advice.  I do not practice law.  This website is to expose government corruption, law enforcement corruption, political corruption, and judicial corruption.  Whatever this website says about the law is presented in the context of how I or others perceive the applicability of the law to a set of circumstances if I (or some other author) was in the circumstances under the conditions discussed.  Despite my concerns about lawyers in general, I suggest that anyone with legal questions consult an attorney for an answer, particularly after reading anything on this website.  The law is a gray area at best.  Please read our Legal Notice and Terms.

3 thoughts on “American Association of Non-Lawyers – Why You Should Join”

  1. I have just joined your organization. I wish I had found you sooner. My story is that of Hawaii judicial corruption and I have a 16 year story of living hell that I have never given up on. After enduring 6 years of non judicial corruption and the 4 illegal attempts to take my home illegally I then survived 10 years of judicial corruption pro se and was funneled through 5 circuit court judges (three lost their jobs). I was abandoned by the Supreme Court of Hawaii in contrived ignorance they avoided the situation in my petition for a writ of mandumus denied. I did win two appeals and there is a third pending as we speak. There is far too much to explain but the very last action was the number 5 circuit court judge dismissed the case in my favor yet without prejudice. Then she allowed the loosing party to file new evidence on top of the old failed evidence and she granted their filing under seal after she had entered her ruling on the record. So that led me to file another appeal even though the case was dismissed in my favor the fowl play continued. The judge before her held my hearing in an unknown new location without notice and also held it before the normal hours of court at 7:51 am (on transcripts) (I managed to arrive at the unknown location on time with 4 witness) You can bet they hate me and I dont care at all what they think about me I just keep providing the facts that shame them to hell. These people are evil. Hawaii is the worst in the nation and I am a first hand witness to ten years of it and still in the game.

  2. Hi Mr. Winsor,

    We met when I was advocating for victims of family violence then became a whistleblower at the behest of the Center for Judicial Excellence – an organization that supposedly helped women who were being violated by the court system after being violated by the ones they loved. Unfortunately, when I needed help and court support, I found myself bereft as I was used by her organization then chastised and criticized when I couldn’t get help for myself. An advocate who had no advocate for her. I put a target on my back with the Secretary of State and no protection from anyone who wanted to use my face and voice to speak on their behalf. My experience in the court system is through family law and civil court when I was taken advantage of from the liberal laws in San Francisco. To learn how to fight fire with fire, I’m currently in law school so I can truly advocate for myself to never be taken advantage of again. I’ve filed several complaints against lawyers with the State Bar, so they know I see how unethical they are and learned first hand the experiences of dealing with incivility and corruption on the part of those supposedly tasked to seek justice. Right and justice should be synonymous, but unfortunately it’s not. I hope you’ll be open to my membership, but I’m only pursuing law because unethical lawyers have unlawfully twisted the law to my detriment and it’s causes overwhelming loss in my lie. I’ve become a targeted individual because I’ve fought for the truth – even if no one wants to hear it. I’ve become an easy target, scapegoat, and patsy, but that will never stop me from telling the truth. I’ve even had polygraph examination from a top law enforcement polygraph company, because there is no end to where people will stop with their slander, defamation, and lies. Stay strong everyone.

    1. Hi Sister yes I know how you feel. I am in washington NOT STATE OF WASHINGTON. As there is a CORPORATION that is rendering souls daily through their BAR and its a total criminal enterprise they even call the risk managment DEPARTMENT OF ENTERPRISE….there is no commission on judicial CON=duct here. I was prosecuted for going to them in 1994….I beat that false claim after using what Father God told me to write late one night all Glory to him alone! Right now I have 3 counties/COUNTY’s neck deep in massive corruption nothing new I know. Father has caused time to speed up and that is great news for us and bad for satans attorneys as they are pretty much all going to be burnt offerings ….I can hear the fire crackling….

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